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Pine Pitch Salve | 1oz

Pine Pitch Salve | 1oz





0.5 oz - $5.00

0.25 oz - $3.50


Pine sap, like many resins, is strongly antibacterial. Pine sap medicines slightly irritate the lings, increase the effectiveness of coughs, kill bacterial infections, halt coughing and improve breathing. Tinctures, honeys and salves of pine sap/pitch are uniquely effective medicines. Liberal use of a pine sap/pitch salve is a renowned healer of all sorts of wounds and for removing slivers as well.

It is a powerful counter-irritant, meaning that it stimulates local blood flow and aggravates the local immune response into revving up a noticeable amount. This means that it may cause a temporary increase in discomfort or inflammation in the area in order to speed healing

• Chest rub for congestion
• Anti-infective
• Increases blood flow
• General wound care
• Clearing up infections
• Healing eczema
• Removing slivers

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