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Balm of Gilead | 1oz

Balm of Gilead | 1oz





 0.5 oz - $5.00

0.25 oz - $3.50


Some of the most impressive health benefits of Balm of Gilead include it’s ability to reduce inflammation, soothe the skin, protect the immune system, eliminate pain, speed healing, soothe the stomach and detoxify the body. It has also been widely used throughout history, even being mentioned in the bible for a number of health conditions, being a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and having diuretic properties as well.


│ use │

• Pain relief from sore muscles, arthritis and broken bones

• Reducing swelling and inflammation

• Relieving pain at the nerve level•

• Skin health: soothing sunburns, will dry quickly, and can quickly clear up skin infections or irritations such as eczema and psoriasis. It can help to reduce the appearance of scars and blemishes.

• Insect bites: can be rubbed on the affected area for rapid healing and pain relief.

• Headaches or migraines: can be used on the temples and neck for effective results.

• Stomach soothing: symptoms of diarrhea or IBS, this product can reduce these disorders.



│ precautions │

Allergies to aspirin may cause an allergic reaction to this product



The information here is for educating our

customers about the traditional uses of hydrosols

and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure,

or prevent disease. You are responsible for understanding safe application of these product

│Please enjoy your Breath of Life Product│

© 2017 Breath of Life Wildcrafting

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